How it Started

   Marilyn Laiva | BA Social Work 

I have 2 children on the Autism Spectrum, a girl 18 and a boy 8.  I faced a lot of challenges regarding lack of suitable childcare which meets the specific needs of my children causing me to choose to stay at home and raise my children and give up on a career.  

I feel that the health system lacks sufficient early interventions such as occupational therapies which are limited to almost non existent in early years.  The early years intervention is crucial and can speed up child development, but if this is missed the progress of the child's development is slowed down. 

Any mother would be willing to do the best for her children and so I decided to fill in the gap in this sector, not only to benefit my own children but other children who are also on the autism spectrum.  I have outlined my vision which clearly states my mission and believe with God's guidance I will be able to make a positive contribution and impact in society at home and abroad.